- Log into CIS
- Under the" Student" section, select "Student Homepage"
- Click on the “Student Housing” tile
- Select “Housing & Residential Education” from the left-hand menu, then click “Housing U”
- Click "Housing Forms" from the menu items
- Select the term you will be having guests
- Select the “Overnight Guest Registration” Form
- Click “Continue”
- Review policies
- Add guests by clicking “Add Guest” icon
- Fill out all fields and upload a photo of your guest
- “Save & Continue” to submit form
Guest Policy & Overnight Guest Policy 2023 – 2024 Academic Year Housing & Residential Education University of Utah
“Guests - A “guest” is defined as any individuals who have not been granted contractual access to a space. This includes but is not limited to HRE residents, non-resident students, and family members. Your Resident Director (RD) and Graduate Assistant (GA) are available to assist residents who may require support or guidance in working with a roommate about the presence of guests in their shared accommodations, and especially in cases where a roommate displays lack of consideration for others or abuses the privilege of hosting guests.
Hosting Guests - Residents may host a single guest at a time in their academic year room. Guests in HRE facilities should always be escorted by a host resident. Any guest in HRE facilities who is not escorted by their host resident will be asked to leave the facility. Residents hosting a guest are expected to meet them at the entrance of their building when they arrive and walk them to an exit when they leave. Guests must not be left unattended or alone in the residence halls. The host resident is responsible for the actions and behaviors of their guest and must be present at all times when the guest is in an HRE facility. Keys (for unit entry) and/or keyless entry devices (for building/floor/unit entry) may not be given to a guest for any reason. HRE staff may require a guest to leave if their behavior is not in accordance with University of Utah and HRE policies. HRE reserves the right to determine if the number of guests hosted by a resident is disruptive and may ask all or some guests to vacate. If the guest has a contract with HRE they will be accountable for their actions, otherwise the host will be held accountable for the actions or behaviors of their guests.
Roommate Approval of Guests — Students may have guests at any time, providing that all other residence hall policies and regulations are observed, however all guests must be approved by all roommates in advance of a visit. Right to sleep, study, and feel comfortable in one’s own environment take precedence over social desires of a roommate. Roommates should establish norms ahead of any guest’s visit. Established guest norms between roommates may include, but are not limited to, standards for advanced roommate notification, preferred communication methods, and defining block-out dates for guests. These norms should be agreed upon and may be reflected in the roommate agreement.
Overnight Guests - Residents may host an overnight guest at a time in their academic year room. Hosted guests staying in a space after midnight on weeknights and after 2 a.m. on weekends are defined as overnight guests. An overnight guest must reside in the hosting resident's contracted space for sleep and may not reside in common spaces.
Length and Frequency of Stay for Overnight Guests - A resident may not host an overnight guest for more than three (3) consecutive nights. In total and including all approved guests, a resident may not host an overnight guest more than ten (10) nights a semester. Hosting overnight guests in excess of the Length and Frequency standards will be considered a violation of contract to the space.
Overnight Guest Pre-Registration - All overnight guests must be pre-registered with Housing & Residential Education a minimum of five (5) days before their visit begins, though an agreement with roommates may require earlier confirmation. Roommate approval of any overnight guest is required prior to pre-registration. Hosts can complete overnight guest pre-registration online by filling out the “Register your Guest” form on their housing portal. Hosts will be asked to provide and verify the name and date of birth of the overnight guest as well as upload a close-up photo of the overnight guest. For the safety of our community, registered sex offenders are not eligible as overnight guests. Overnight guest information will be checked against the States Department of Justice National Sex Offender Public Website.
Pre-Registration for Overnight Guests under the age of 18 – For overnight guests under the age of 18 years old, parental/guardian notification is included as part of the pre-registration process. A copy of the “Pre-Registration for Overnight Guests under the age of 18” form can be accessed through the housing portal. Hosts will receive additional information and steps through the online pre-registration system.”