

Home Living @ the U Guest Registration
Do you have a guest coming to visit? Register them in Housing U by following the steps below! Residents are allowed up to 10 overnight guests per semester. All guests must be approved by roommates and must be registered five (5) days before their overnight stay begins. Review the document below for all host and guest policies, or visit our Resident Responsibilities page for complete policy information.


  1. Log into CIS
  2. Under the" Student" section, select "Student Homepage"
  3. Click on the “Student Housing” tile
  4. Select “Housing & Residential Education” from the left-hand menu, then click “Housing U”
  5. Click "Housing Forms" from the menu items
  6. Select the term you will be having guests
  7. Select the “Overnight Guest Registration” Form
  8. Click “Continue”
  9. Review policies
  10. Add guests by clicking “Add Guest” icon
  11. Fill out all fields and upload a photo of your guest
  12. “Save & Continue” to submit form

Add Guest Icon for registering guests