

Kennecott House

Kenecott Engineering house logoIf you’re a recipient of the Kennecott Scholarship, a student in the College of Engineering, or a student in the College of Mines & Earth Sciences, the Kennecott House is an excellent Theme Community option for you. The Kennecott House is an environment that supports your engineering education in order for you to reach your full potential. Additionally, residents have shared experiences that support their knowledge and understanding of bio, chemical, civil and environmental, electrical and computer, materials sciences, mechanical, metallurgical, and mining engineering and atmospheric sciences, geology and geophysics.

Who’s Eligible?
Kennecott Scholarship recipients and Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Students in the College of Engineering or the College of Mines & Earth Sciences
Living Learning Community or Theme Community?
Theme Community
Area on Campus:
Officers Circle 611
Who Selects Residents?
Kennecott Scholars interested in living in the house should contact Housing & Residential Education directly. Selection for the remaining Kennecott House spaces is completed by the College of Engineering
How to Apply?
Complete your Housing U Application

College of Engineering-related questions:

Jordyn Butcherite
(801) 581-6683

Housing-related questions:

Housing & Residential Education
(801) 587-2002