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Honors Thesis Mentoring Communities

Honors Thesis mentoring house logoIf you’re an active member of the Honors College who’s completed your first year at the U, an Honors Thesis Mentoring Community (TMC) is an excellent Theme Community option for you. Honors Thesis Mentoring Communities are in two Officers Circle Houses and the Donna Garff Marriott Honors Residential Scholars Community.  Students who live in a TMC have increased access to faculty, staff, and peer support as they pursue one of the most crucial points of their Honors Degree, the thesis. This support will help connect you to research opportunities and provide an ideal environment highly conducive to you academic pursuits.

Who’s Eligible?
Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Students who are active in the Honors College
Living Learning Community or Theme Community?
Theme Community
Area on Campus:
Officers Circle 606, 610 and Marriott Honors Community
Associated Courses:
There are no associated courses for this community.
Who Selects Residents?
Selection for the Honors Thesis Mentoring Communities is completed by the Honors College.
How to Apply?

Complete your Housing U Application