

Crocker Science House

Science House logoIf you’re enrolled in the College of Science, the Crocker Science House is an excellent Theme Community option for you. The Science House is for all Science majors, and residents receive a $1500 stipend applied to their housing costs.  If you live in the Science House, you will be part of a unique living, learning environment that prompts deep inquiry and understanding into the physical and natural world.  In the past, residents have participated as a team in Science Trivia, had dinner with a Nobel Laureate, and formed study groups for the GRE and MCAT.

Who’s Eligible?
Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Students who are part of the College of Science.
Living Learning Community or Theme Community?
Theme Community
Area on Campus:
Officers Circle 613
Associated Courses:
There are no associated courses for this community.
Who Selects Residents?
Selection for the Crocker Science House is completed by the College of Science.
How to Apply?

Complete your Housing U Application

College of Science Contact:

Lisa Batchelder
