

Bennion Service House

Bennion Service house logo


If you’re involved in making significant service contributions to the University of Utah and surrounding community, the Bennion Service House is an excellent Theme Community option for you. The Service House is for all majors, and scholarships through the Bennion Center are available.  If you live in the Service House, you will examine your own civic engagement and participate and promote service experiences throughout the year. Residents are catalysts to inspire and mobilize people to strengthen communities through Learning, Scholarship, and Advocacy.

Who’s Eligible?
Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Students who are actively involved with community engagement
Living Learning Community or Theme Community?
Theme Community
Area on Campus:
Associated Courses:
BENN 1020: Pathways to Community Engagement (Required unless already completed) Students may substitute Benn 2030: Introduction to Civid Leadership with permission
Who Selects Residents?
Selection for the Bennion Service House is completed by the Bennion Center.
How to Apply?
Complete your Housing U Application and a supplemental application in Housing U
Bennion Center Contact:

Brett Gaffney
(801) 581-8436