

How to Achieve Your Goals

Smart goals encourage planning, consistency, and outcome. Creating goals that are not maintainable can feel overwhelming, but S.M.A.R.T goals enforce time frames and regulations that help break down a big task to become achievable–using these tips may help better achieve your goal. You can apply the S.M.A.R.T layout to internships, habits, projects, or anything you […]

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Activities In Salt Lake City This Summer

While you are currently probably stressing about finals, let’s take a minute to reflect on some of the fun coming to Salt Lake City this summer! Salt Lake City is a booming place in the summer and winter—but in the winter most people go up the mountain. If this is your first summer staying in […]

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Exploring Student leadership: A look into University Life


  In the hustle and bustle of life on the University of Utah campus, students like Angelina Ho, Dalia Perez and Delaney Barclay stand out as shining examples of leadership and involved community members. We had the pleasure of sitting down with these three students to learn more about their involvement with RHA, the U […]

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Latte Lounge

Spice Up Your Studying If you’re starting to get bored of your fall semester study spots, try these off-campus locations! Studying in the same spot can become boring or repetitive. I have found trying new locations can help make studying more motivating or even more productive. On campus there are a lot of great study […]

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Dining on Campus

Meal Plan Requirements Living in certain residence halls on campus requires a meal plan. Luckily, there’s a wide variety of options on campus for students to dine in or grab a quick snack. With different plans, the University allows you to choose the perfect plan for you. Food Options On campus, there are two buffet […]

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New year, new semester, new YOU!

Welcome to spring semester 2024! Regardless if this is your first semester, or your last, the beginning of a new semester is the perfect time for self-reflection and the start of new habits. In this post we will explore different ways you can improve this semester and semesters to come!  Studying  A new semester brings […]

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Honors Housing Options at the U

Believe it or not, housing application season is upon us! With upper-division housing applications open now, we want to shed some light on our honors Living Learning Communities (LLC) on our campus. That is honors housing. If you are planning on being or are already a part of the honors college, this is the blog […]

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Inclusion within the Deaf Community

Exploring the Importance of Inclusion Sometimes the Deaf community is underrepresented. From learning more about the community, how they are represented, and appropriate treatment, we can begin to understand these people in a more wholistic way. A 12-year-old signs in a video explaining, “There are so many different people who consider themselves Deaf. Some can […]

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Tips for a College Thanksgiving

Comfort Thanksgiving Meals Thanksgiving is a time where families and friends come together,feast, and celebrate what they are thankful for. At the University of Utah this break is short, so some students may stay on campus for the holiday and may miss out on home-cooked mash potatoes, turkey, cranberry sauce, and pie.  If you are […]

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Lights, Camera, Activism: A look into Social Justice Films

Films that Inspire Change Want to learn more about Social Justice? Check out these impactful, educational and inspiring films! Movies are a great way to learn about others’backgrounds and personal stories, and they help us know more about today’s world and shape our views. I curated a small list of moves that helped me understand […]

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